Eye and Vision Exam FAQs

Eye and Vision Exam FAQs

While you may understand the importance of visiting an optometrist for an eye exam, do you know everything that happens during these check-ups? If you have not undergone an eye and vision exam in several years, you likely have questions about the process and what to expect from them. Family EyeCare at Westchase in Tampa, FL, is here to answer frequently asked questions about these exams to help you understand their importance and what happens during them.

Why Do I need an Eye and Vision Exam?

These exams are crucial for catching and treating eye diseases or other vision problems before they lead to significant complications. Conditions like glaucoma or macular degeneration often produce little to no noticeable symptoms in their early stages. Eye and vision exams allow our optometrists to identify these problems and provide treatment. We can also update your prescription lenses and monitor existing conditions.

What Tests Are Run?

Our optometrists perform several tests to evaluate your eye and vision health. One of the most recognizable tests is the visual acuity test. We have you read from an eye chart to identify the strength of your visual acuity. Our optometrists will also perform a refraction test to determine the prescription for eyeglasses or contacts. Tests for depth perception, color vision, eye muscle function, and a dilated eye exam also occur during an eye and vision exam.

How Often Should I Get an Eye Exam?

How often you require an eye exam will vary based on your current eye health, age, and if you have any existing conditions. Adults with healthy eyes should schedule an eye exam every two or three years until they are 40. Once you reach 40, you require annual eye exams to check for age-related eye conditions. People with known eye conditions may need more frequent visits to monitor their eye health.

Schedule an Eye Exam Near Me in Tampa, FL, to Protect Your Eye Health

If you have not visited an optometrist for an eye exam in a while or have sudden changes in your vision that warrant a visit, consider contacting Family EyeCare at Westchase in Tampa, FL. Our optometry team will evaluate your eyes and recommend treatment if necessary. Call us and schedule an appointment today at (813) 814-2020 to keep your eyes healthy and vision strong.